John Nasbitt's new book: China's Megatrend

John Nasbitt, the author of the NYT best seller Megatrends,  is going to release his new book China Megatrends in January 2010.

According to Nasbitt himself, this book was a sbumission to an assignment by President Jiang Zeming 13 year ago when he was visiting China with his wife. He has traveled throughout China and with help of his Chinese students conducted field researches on social topics to conjure up this book since.

I however have one reservation about this upcoming book. According to  Mr Nasbitt's bio on his  publisher's website, he has substantial connections with China, ranging from visiting scholars at multiple universities to a research institute named after him in a Chinese university. I am a little skeptical about his independence and objectivity on China's future. 

However, Prophecy is largely subjective based on interpretations of current events and people. In that regard, it's hard to judge this book at this point. I am nonetheless looking forward to finding some poignant insights in this book and certainly not wishing it be a work that merely fulfills President Jiang's assignment. 

I think I will buy this book.     


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